Two great antique automata collections in the United States

Here is a video on automata by CNN. In it you will meet Charles Penniman and the famous Maillardet automaton housed at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Mr. Penniman has been looking after this precious automaton for over 40 years. I had the pleasure of meeting both back in 2009, and am fond of both the man and the machine. I even got to wind the machine -- not something that every visitor gets to do. Here's a blog post about my visit to see the Maillardet automaton in 2009.
You will also get to meet Jeremy Ryder of the Morris Museum in Morristown, New Jersey where he looks after the Murtogh D. Guinness collection of automata. If you have a chance, this collection is worth a visit. Ryder's expertise is a rare thing.
Labels: antiques, Charles Penniman, drawing, Franklin Institute, Hugo, Jere Ryder, Morris Museum, Murtogh D. Guinness Collection, The Invention of Hugo Cabret
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