Thursday, March 06, 2014

The process of creating a kinetic boxer sculpture by Aaron Kramer

Artist Aaron Kramer created this wonderful kinetic sculpture of a boxer in motion. As is his custom, he started with a mechanism and no real plan. Working with metal, and joining it by welding allowed him to change and adapt the design on the fly. Here is a 19 minute video which documents the entire fascinating process. He has provided a running caption below the image providing insights into his thoughts and process.

From the artist:

I have always liked when others produce “process” videos. It gives me an insight into their brains that the finished piece doesn’t always reveal. Making things move is not a straight-line process. It involves putting together and taking apart a million times before you get it right. I like to see that messiness. It makes me feel human. In my case it took several thousand cranks and a whole lot of welds in order to breathe life into my little figure.

Here is where you cans see more art by Aaron Kramer.

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