Sunday, July 03, 2011

Beginner Watchmaking: build your first watch

Feeling mechanically ambitious? OK! Well then, why not learn how to make you own watch? That should keep you out of trouble for a while. This book is aimed at readers with no prior knowledge. I may have to get this book just to see where one would start in making a watch.

From the book description:

This book will introduce you to the fascinating world of watch making. It is designed for the average person with zero knowledge of watch mechanics, building, or repair. This book will teach you some of the basics on how a watch works. It will also show you where to buy the right watch parts, how to assemble them, and how to regulate the time. Don't buy another $1000 watch when you can build one for $100.

As an added bonus, the book comes with a full color PDF file ebook for smart phone. You can learn watchmaking anywhere!

The book gets very high marks by the reviewers on amazon. See for yourself. Here's the link to the book Beginner Watchmaking: How to Build Your Very First Watch.

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