Saturday, April 18, 2009

Giant metal kinetic praying mantis sculpture

Kinetic artist, Nemo Gould, will be part of the upcoming IT MOVED show in San Diego we told you about the other day. Here is some video one of his recent sculptures, Praying Mantis.

Especially cool is that he has also created a step-by-step guide showing how he build this stunning piece.

Giant metal kinetic praying mantis sculpture
Here is link for the Giant Kinetic Praying Mantis Sculpture from found materials on the Instructables web site.

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Anonymous Andy from Workshopshed said...

You can tell the scale from the forelegs which appear to be made from petrol pump nozzles. Perhaps it will get a place in a museum when we all move to electric cars?

April 18, 2009 at 11:55 AM  

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