Musical marble machine created by Martin Molin plays amazing song
Videos of this machine have been all over the internet for the last few days. Many of you and taken the time to write to me to make me aware of it. I thank you all!
The machine, made by Martin Molin, uses an elaborate marble track system to create a sophisticated song. There are some 2000 marbles raised by a tracked elevator which is powered by some vigorous hand cranking. As they descend, the marbles strike the right parts of a glockenspiel, percussion instruments, and bass guitar. A lever system allows the operator/musician to turn selected instruments on and off. This allows the machine to be played in a way that goes beyond simply turning the crank and allowing the programmed track to run.
It's an amazing accomplishment technically and musically. Bravo!
Labels: drums, Glockenspiel, gravity, guitar, hand-cranked, marble machine, mechanical music, music, programmable, xylophone
I watched this from beginning to end. Totally fantastic!
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