Pirate and octopus engaged in whimsical combat in this Timberkits automaton kit
Here is a new Timberkits automaton or, at least, new to me. When complete, this automaton kit depicts a pirate and octopus fighting it out with waving tentacles, hook, and sword! As with all of their kits, the wooden components come shaped and drilled. It is left to you to do a very little sanding, assembling and gluing. The kits are well-designed and come with complete instructions. Here's where to get the Timberkits Pirate Panic Automaton.
Be sure to check out all of the Timberkits wood automaton kits. There is one for every person on your holiday shopping list. Think of it: everyone gets an automaton that suits them as a gift and you all assemble them as a group! Best. Christmas. Ever.Labels: animals, DIY, gifts, kits, models, nautical, ocean, octopus, pirates, scenes, Timberkits, wood
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