Support The Automata Blog by using the Amazon links on the site

Blogging takes effort!
This is a part-time job for me -- a way I have found to earn a bit of income doing something related to my passion. Keeping the blog going takes valuable time, money, and other resources. If you enjoy it, you can help support the blog by using the Amazon links found on the site.
How does it work?
The links in question contain my Amazon Affiliate code. They will take you to Amazon where you can shop for anything at all. The cost to you is no different than if you had found your way there from any other source. Because the links contain my code, Amazon will give me a small percentage of the sale amount for being the one to send a customer their way.
And what about privacy?
I can access a report showing what was bought, but I have absolutely no information about who made the purchase. None. Your privacy is 100% secure.
What if I don't use Amazon?
If you would like to contribute, but don't use Amazon. Drop me a line via my contact form. I will provide you with information to make a PayPal contribution in any amount you see fit. This would make you a rare and esteemed reader, indeed.
Going to Amazon via my blog will only take a few extra seconds. You can also ask your friends, colleagues, and relatives to shop Amazon via my blog. Simply direct them to the and any of the Amazon links.
Thanks, once again, for your support!
All the best,
-Dug North, The Automata Blog
Labels: Amazon, blog, Dug North, The Automata Blog
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