Call for artists - How do you as an artist respond to the concept of timekeeping?
I happen to be a member of the National Association of Watch and Clock Colllectors (NAWCC). In addition to offering classes, regional meetings, and an excellent publication, they have an impressive museum dedicated to watches and clocks. The video above tells you a bit about their museum.
I've received word that they have issued a call for artists for an upcoming exhibition. Why post about it here? Contributing artists are asked to respond to the concept of timekeeping. Special consideration will be given to works that are functional timekeepers. As a central resource for various forms of kinetic art, this show is decidedly on-topic.
From the Call for Artists:
A Matter of Time — This exhibit invites artists to respond to the concept of timekeeping and how it is represented today. Artists are encouraged to visit the museum and for more information. Special consideration will be given to those works that are functional timekeepers as well. So how do you as an artist respond to the concept of timekeeping?
All of the details for submitting a work of art may be found on within the official call for artist announcement. The key thing to note is that the deadline for submission is Friday August 30, 2013. You will need to get them JPEG images on CD no later than that date. There is no entry fee.
Even if you don't submit a piece or attend the show, I would encourage you to make the two hour excursion from Philadelphia, Baltimore, or Washington DC to visit the National Watch and Clock Museum. If you find yourself in Scranton or Lancaster, PA you are within minutes of the museum.
[ Thanks Aaron! ]
Labels: call for artists, clocks, collections, exhibits, horology, museums, shows, time, timekeeping, watches
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