Answering Machine automaton by Paul Spooner helps you say 'NO' to any request

Here's the latest automaton by Paul Spooner. As always is wit is evident in the piece itself. This one also has an especially fun description from the artist:
It's a machine for undertaking thankless tasks; useful for refusing loans and favours of all kinds, invitations to dull parties, requests to take part in surveys, to look after neighbours pets or children, to rescue victims of crime, to take part in the democratic process, to become a collector of automata and to deal with all other questions to which the answer, in our heartless hearts, is "no".
This gem is a one-of-a-kind (or "one-off", if you prefer). Here is where you can see more pictures or buy Answering Machine by Paul Spooner.
Labels: figure, humor, machines, Paper, Paul Spooner, printing, typewriter, UK
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