Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Last clock repair school in the U.S. to close despite high demand for clock repairers

Photo of the School of Horology

Last Clock Repair School to Close
The National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors (NAWCC) announced that their School of Horology in Columbia, Pennsylvania will soon close. In response to this sad news, Bob Frishman wrote an article for the May, 2012 issue of the Maine Antique Digest. Frishman is a clock expert and restorer, speaker, author, and founder of Bell-Time Clocks in Andover, Massachusetts. His article, titled Last Clock Repair School to Close, describes the closing of the school from the perspective of someone who has been working with clocks for a long time. Though thousands of antique clocks are bought and sold every year, and new mechanical clocks are still being made, Frishman wonders (rightly) who will fix these mechanical marvels in the years to come. At present, the picture is not a pretty one:

As my clock repair colleagues and I get even older and more tired, we eventually will have to throw in our towels and tools. Unless we are replaced by others with valid training, all Westminster chime clocks will sound from battery-powered 3" speakers, fancy pendulums will hang lifeless, and antique clocks will stand as mute reminders of another once-grand industry and profession lost forever.

Here is where you can read Bob Frishman's complete article in the Main Antique Digest: Last Clock Repair School to Close.

Enrollments Could Save the School
The School of Horology only needs a dozen full time students to stay open and a dozen more to thrive. If enough people are made aware of the situation, the school may be able get the enrollments they need to remain open. We won't lose a valuable set of skilled workers and all of those amazing mechanical clocks out there will stand a much better chance of being well-maintained for posterity.

  • Do you know a young person looking for a vocation?
  • Are you looking to change careers?
  • How would you like a fruitful hobby to pursue in retirement?

If you or someone you know would like to pursue this program, I urge you to visit The School of Horology web page and use the contact page to get in touch with them. You can also donate to the organization and specify that your gift be used for the school. At the very least, spread the word to others by referring them to this post. Thank you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a shame that the clock repair program is slated for closure. Few young people are probably aware of this educational opportunity, and older people, such as myself, often have families and are unable to relocate halfway across the country for schooling. If the British Horological Institute can offer distance learning courses worldwide, surely the School of Horology could offer something in the States.

May 10, 2012 at 5:03 PM  

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