Friday, March 11, 2011

Instructables National Robotics Week robot contest

Instructables National Robotics Week robot contest
The world's best DIY site, Instructables, is gearing up for National Robotics Week by holding a robot contest. To enter, you need to publish a new Instructable that shows how to build a robot by March 20th.

All kinds of robot projects are eligible -- from the simple to the complex. Ideally, the robots should be something that K-12 students could make with the help of teacher or mentor.

Instructables is giving away some great prizes for the contest. Projects will also be featured on the National Robotics Week website. Winners will have a chance to show their robot projects at live events during National Robotics Week.

Here's where you can learn more about the Intructables Robot Contest. Here is where you can learn more about National Robotics Week, April 9-17, 2011.

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