Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Build a mini wind-powered Theo Jansen beast

Build your own wind-powered mini Theo Jansen beast
If you are into the amazing mechanical life-forms created by artist Theo Jansen, then you'll be excited to learn about Gakken's Otona no Kagaku Kit #30. Called the Animaris Ordis Parvus, the kit is a tiny version of one of Jansen's huge wind-powered beach-walking creatures.

Here is one review of the Gakken's Otona no Kagaku Kit #30.
Here is a second review of Gakken's Otona no Kagaku Kit #30.

[ Found via this post at MAKE ]

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Anonymous jon said...

ohh i want it!... that eerie movement and relentless advance.

February 1, 2011 at 2:24 PM  

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