Sunday, January 16, 2011

Book: How to Make Whirligigs & Folkcraft Objects

How to Make Whirligigs and Whimmy Diddles and Other American Folkcraft Objects
I haven't stumbled upon this whirligig book before; I'm not sure why -- maybe because it seems to be out of print. The one review on Amazon is glowing. The book can be found used at a very reasonable price.

From an Amazon review:
The book is a treasure trove of ideas, examples, information and entertainment all centered around crafts and skills that have nearly vanished from our cultural landscape. I was looking for a few whirly gig plans and found so much more in the narrative examples and instructions that ranged from making animals out of pine cones, to traditional quilting methods! An added bonus lies in the amazing illustrations that accompany each item that are, by themselves, beautiful works of art. I recommend this book to anyone with an interest in American folk craft, toy making, history or just an appreciation of an entertaining read.

Here's where you can get a used How to Make Whirligigs and Whimmy Diddles and Other American Folkcraft Objects.

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Anonymous LagunaLane said...

I have a copy of this book in my etsy shop- it is a great book!

March 13, 2012 at 8:47 PM  

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