Thursday, August 05, 2010

Sharmanka Kinetic Theatre - Glasgow, Scotland

The Sharmanka Kinetic Theatre contains hundreds of carved figures moving to music and colored lights. At the moment there are three dozen of these 'kinemats' in the gallery, performing an hour-long show for a wide range of groups. New kinemats are added to the show every year.

From the SHARMANKA web site:
SHARMANKA (Russian for hurdy-gurdy) was founded by sculptor-mechanic Eduard Bersudsky and theatre director Tatyana Jakovskaya in St.Petersburg (Russia) in 1989. Audiences in many countries have been fascinated by its magic, and based in Glasgow since 1996 it has gained a reputation as one of the city's hidden treasures.

Learn more about Sharmanka Kinetic Theatre on their web site.

[ Thanks Christoph! ]

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