Levitation Magician Automaton by Thomas Kuntz

The automaton performs the following sequence:
1 - The magician looks left to right and his mouth opens and closes as if addressing the audience.
2 - He waves a wand over the girl.
3 - The girl struggles as if to covey something has gone wrong.
4 - Her feet wiggle and she begins to levitate.
5 - The magician's long pointed hat levitates also.
6 - The girl descends and the magician opens the left side his robe. (A message or item could be included here.)
A very complex modern automaton, the masterful sculpting, engineering, painting, and cohesive theme are hallmarks of Kuntz's work. He is a rare talent.
Here is the eBay listing for this amazing Levitation Magician Automaton by Thomas Kuntz
Labels: auction, automaton, ebay, magic, magician, Thomas J. Kuntz
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