Interactive Gear Template Generator
Matthias Wandel's excellent site has an interactive gear template generator "intended for generating paper templates for cutting low precision gears from plywood, phenolic, or other suitable materials with a band saw."
This elegant online tool allows you to input a handful of values to generate involute gears of various sizes and teeth. Most likely, you will want to check the "Two gears" checkbox and punch in the gear ratio (as number of teeth). You can then check that the values will create a gear pair that won't jam by checking the "Animate" checkbox. If you see the teeth of one gear overlapping the teeth of the second, you need make some adjustments.
This tool uses printer-friendly Flash. Use the on-screen "Print gears" button to print out only the gears and not the entire web page.
He even shows how to cut the wooden gears on the bandsaw.
Generate some gears to cut from wood using the Interactive Gear Template Generator. [via Make Magazine's blog]
This elegant online tool allows you to input a handful of values to generate involute gears of various sizes and teeth. Most likely, you will want to check the "Two gears" checkbox and punch in the gear ratio (as number of teeth). You can then check that the values will create a gear pair that won't jam by checking the "Animate" checkbox. If you see the teeth of one gear overlapping the teeth of the second, you need make some adjustments.
This tool uses printer-friendly Flash. Use the on-screen "Print gears" button to print out only the gears and not the entire web page.
He even shows how to cut the wooden gears on the bandsaw.
Generate some gears to cut from wood using the Interactive Gear Template Generator. [via Make Magazine's blog]
Labels: gears, online resources, plans, wood
Very helpful site for automata-makers as well as woodworkers.
Nick Carter dropped me a line about another method of creating gear templates.
The method he describes will allow you to graphically generate a very close approximation of the involute, to any precision you desire, using a simple 2D CAD program and very little math.
For all the details check out The Involute Curve, Drafting a Gear in CAD and Applications
-Dug North
Great site!
just love your interactive gear template generator, superb to use....I'm a graphic designer and you saved be hours trying to create an involute shape from scratch...cheers
I cannot accept any credit for the gear template generator other than linking to it. It is the work of the very talented Mr. Matthias Wandel. Glad it was of use to you!
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